Sign up here to be on the list as a sub for our Tower Grove or Forest Park summer league.

$30 to sub for a particular league

$40 to sub for all leagues

What does this gets you?

5 games max to sub, after that each game is $10. You will be asked to pay the intial $30 or $40 upfront, any games played over the 5 game max will be paid when the league is over or you will receive a refund for unplayed games!

Refunds: This will vary depending on what you sign up for. $6 or $8 per each game not played.

Please note in the comments of your registration which leagues you would like to be available as a sub for Tower Grove Park (Monday or Wednesday).

Process: Upon registration you will receive an email inviting you to join our GroupMe for securing subs! Coordinators and Captains will be responsible for posting openings on teams, and it is first response gets the spot. The coordinators will do their best to make sure that the subs are placed on teams in a fair manner.