Summer 2022 Leagues

Summer league registration is open!

It's that time of year where the flowers are blooming and that itch to get outside and play frisbee with your friends reaches fever pitch.

Check out all the leagues leagues we have to offer.

New this year is the incentive to be a captain. We want all the captains to make each summer league players experience the best it can be, so we'll be offering a 50% reimbursement on your league fees if you're chosen to be a captain. It takes work to coordinate a team and we want those who put in the work to have a reward.

New also is the location for the Monday league and the Thursday league. We've moved to the Lindell and Cricket fields in Forest Park. We think that by having games happening directly next to each other we will be able to help foster a greater sense of community.

The Covid policy has changed for leagues this year compared to last year. USAU wants us to abide by the local guidelines of where we are playing. This means masks are not mandated for those who are vaccinated or unvaccinated. You are unable to play if you have tested positive or been exposed within the last 5 days. More information can be found here:

Let's make it a great summer of ultimate together and reach out to us with any questions.

SLUA Board